Wednesday, April 21, 2010


The universe is moving backward, I swear. Do you ever have one of those days when nothing goes terribly wrong but it certainly doesn't go as planned either? Today is that kind of day. For example:

The good news: my Teach Yourself Irish book and Focloir Poca (dictionary, no, let me rephrase that...pocket dictionary with microscopic type) arrived in the mail.The not quite as good news: the aforementioned book has somehow separated itself from the CD's that typically accompany it. That's just great. So helpful.
However, there is always a silver lining. Chapter One of TYI starts out with a list of goals...among them is "be polite". I like that. Even if you don't have much to say (or have a limited vocabulary) be nice about it. And best of all, the last chapter of TYI is called "I used to have a lot to do". This is magic, a book that teaches both good manners and the ability to live life at a leisurely pace! Hope is on the horizon.

I'm a little worried about the "I think the bank is closed" chapter. Let's hope that's not an omen and just a nod to the present economic climate.

Order is everything. Chapter Three is entitled "Are you married?" and comes long before "Would you like a cup of tea?" (Ch. 10). Actually, I know a little something about this. One Saturday morning back in February I slept in. It was nine thirty and I was still in my pajamas. Anne, my next door neighbor and owner of my cottage, knocked on the door. She let herself in, sat herself down on the couch and we started to chat. She definitely inquired about my marital status before I had the kettle on.

"Where is my bathrobe?" is not included as a chapter heading from which I can only assume that one must be groomed and ready for verbal repartee at any time!

The immediate intimacy was a little startling. I am more accustomed to the version of politeness which includes not asking a question but waiting for someone to volunteer personal information. But that's New England for you. That said, everyone I met was astonishingly conscious of not taking any action which would impose or put someone out and in fact everyone was incredibly generous with me.

Anne and her husband Eamonn were gracious enough to invite me to dinner...and tea...and a couple of walks. We went to Mass together one Sunday.

Remember these self-possessed ladies? Well, according to Eamonn they were all expecting TWINS! By now the pasture should be filled with frolicking little lambs. The thought of that is enough to brighten up the worst Murphy's Law kind of a day.

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